Day 2: Caesarea – Galilee
Plan – Love and support – “Comfort, Comfort my people!”
Father Kelly at Migdal
Scripture – Isaiah 62:10-12 “Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations.
The Lord has made proclamation to the ends of the earth. Say to the Daughter of Zion,
‘See, His reward is with Him, and His recompense accompanies Him.’ They will be called The Holy People, The Redeemed of the Lord; and you will be called Sought After; The City No Longer Deserted!”
Travel Bus
Arriving at the Ben Gurion airport, although the plane was full, the tourist lines were empty. The hallways of the airport were lined with the faces of those still being held hostage in Gaza. The sorrow and grieving, tangible and palatable. People were serious and focused on their destination. Gatherings and greetings were marked by the effects of 10/7 and walls came down as people realized what we were doing. “We stand by you and with you!” these words that are easy to say are being lived out as we walk through the gates and into the mainstream of life in Israel. Our prayers were answered as we delivered the Kevlar vests to those who were waiting for them, one mission accomplished!
Today marked a turning point for some in our path. I had conversations with several people who found it remarkable that we would come during such a volatile time and do what we are doing. IDF soldiers, mothers with children, businesspeople, workers in shops and restaurants, wondered why we are here, now. We had many opportunities to talk with people and the awe and amazement was common.
We took in the beauty of the Mediterranean Sea and Caesarea. Walking on the sand and seeing the ancient city that has endured for 2000 years reminds us that our history is still here. We are seeing the port where the Apostle Paul launched a ministry that would invade the world. It’s still there – it still speaks! “Go into the world and preach the gospel…” those were the words that impacted the world then and now us today! “Change lives by the living Word of God which is ‘Christ in you – the hope of Glory!’” Enduring words, the echoes of our faith are more poignant today as we embark on a mission that is grander than us, higher and more strategic than us. Today we become the very life of Jesus going to His people with His love and comfort!
On to Galilee, we are looking at the landscape of the Megiddo valley and our minds are immediately taking in the final battlefield of the Bible. It’s beautiful now, but it has seen so many dark days and, in our minds’ eye, will see more blood.
Galilee is full and overflowing! The blessing of God. Rain and full rivers and streams always speak of God’s overflowing blessings. I don’t think we’ve ever seen Galilee this full, but it is today! God allowed a draught to hit the area several years ago and while that took place a boat was uncovered that dates back to the days of Jesus and the fishing men. They have restored it, built a museum around it and it is called “the Jesus boat.” We have been there many times, but it is quiet now, no tourists. The shop is empty and the workers reveal the stress of the days of war upon them. We have an appointment to get on one of the boats that takes us on the lake and today it is calm, for now. We had an amazing time of worship and prayer. We sang and wept as we sat with Jesus and felt His words melt into our hearts and minds once again. We are the disciples! Like never before, we are sitting with Him, listening to Him, hearing Him like never before. We are the brothers He called to. We have left everything to come and follow Him. No regrets, no question, we will follow!
Day 2, done – mission accomplished for today!