Master Minded Ministries Newsletter - June 2022

Introducing Master Minded Ministries and the work of our hands and hearts

Arms of Ministry

Master Minded Ministries is really a multilevel organization. The basis of this ministry is to explore, educate and support the Jewish roots of our Christian faith through teaching and preaching, Biblical journeys, taking people to biblical and historic places, and reaching out to join and support efforts to bless Israel and the Jewish people. We believe that God gives us this mandate in Romans 15:27 “For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.” And also in Hebrews 11 where we find the “hall of faith” hero’s, we find these words: “These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.” Which says to me that God’s plans is for us to be together for the great fulfillment!

We believe that the replacement theology that has been embraced by some denominations has allowed anti- Semitism to infiltrate churches. The church does not replace Israel in promises, but the church becomes an integral part of the restoration of Israel to show the love of God to His people and nations through the Messiah, Jesus. We get to be Jesus living out His love for the Jewish people and the world.

We would like to show you where you, your gifts and offerings join us in how we are able to accomplish great things together.

“Go into all the world a preach the good news to all creation. Mark 16:15

“And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

Biblical Journeys

Sometimes the plane leaves early and there are lines! Our motto has been: “Blessed are the flexible for they will not be frustrated!” (Dave and Jerri manual page 1) Things will happen the week before that will put stresses in your life, but that is just God’s first lesson on “Look up! I’m working! Keep your eyes on Me!” I’ve always said there are three phases to our trips;

  1. Anticipation - This is where all kinds of ideas are going through your mind and you’re aware that it’s coming, and you don’t have any idea what will happen. You’re trying to pack, but you’re afraid you won’t remember the right things. Then you’ll be sorry to have overlooked something. Stress! Making lists. Buying new clothes! Buying more than you possibly need! All part of the anticipation!

  2. The Trip – You’re there! You are seeing so many things and trying to smell the aromas and pay attention to every detail. Trying to take notes and pictures so that you’ll remember this. All part of the journey! Amazing! Along with the new friends and trying to remember names, you’re thinking “why did I bring all this stuff?” every time you have to pack up to go on to the next place.

Then there’s the third stage – After you get home. The amazing things you find yourself reading in the Bible and you can say, “I was there!” There is a new reality that happens when you can appreciate the awareness that God gives you and how it applies to your life. There will be an adjustment time where reality has to replace what you thought you knew. God met you in those moments when you least expected it!

Biblical Journeys will take you places that will open you up to all kinds of experiences, from riding camels to getting wet in the Jordan River, to the most controversial land in the world!

You will discover, explore and experience new things every day. Master Minded Ministries takes you off the beaten path, out of your comfort zone of Christianity to show you the world Jesus knew and spoke to. Our heart’s desire is that you will be challenged to go deeper in your faith and commitment to the One who died for you!

The Teacher & The Preacher

“Hello everyone, I’m the Teacher, Harold Berman,” (Harold speaking), “and I’m the Preacher, Dave McGarrah.” And the show begins. Rarely do they rehearse their topics and even their guests are totally spontaneous and unrehearsed. The topics range from a biblical texts to a current events to a significant discovery, and every show takes on the flavor of two brothers who have learned how to develop that bond despite theological differences.

To date, the Teacher and the Preacher airs on 23 stations around the country and offers listeners the opportunity to listen via podcasts at their leisure. Each week the program aims at bringing information and insight into the Jewish roots of Christianity and building bridges. “The conversations are way overdue,” states Pastor Dave. “Our Jewish friends know the history of Christianity better than Christians do, and they’re skeptical about them sincerity of our words. We have to live what we believe and that is that Jesus, our Messiah, was Jewish, and the Jewish people are His brothers and sisters. If we want to know Him, we have to learn from them. Christianity has been westernized and isolated from the true roots.”

From IDF (Israeli Defense Force) officers, to Holocaust survivors, to scientists and entrepreneurs, each week offers something different and enlightening for our understanding. It has been an amazing journey to see how God is providing this opportunity to be a voice to our culture.

The ministry that happens here is that we are impacting people with a type of role-modeling. Conversations can happen, respect and honor can be heard, and thinking can be changed. Three of our special guests are pictured.

It’s because of the generosity of our supporters and listeners that we are able to continue this avenue of ministry. This has opened doors of opportunity to broaden our scope of influence to help people understand things like BDS (the boycott, divest and sanctions against Israel and products from Israel) that is increasing in our country. Even this week General Mills has decided to succumb to the pressure and is divesting interests in Israel. (Time to avoid GM). We are exposing things like “pay for slay” tactics where Palestinians are paid to kill Jews, and our country has given funds to the Palestinian government that endorses and approves this. We helped expose the Taylor-Force Act that now prohibits the funding of this kind of terrorist act. We have introduced the Holocaust Education program that will help our schools educate our children to the true history of this event.

It’s with efforts like this we are showing our Jewish friends that Christians are waking up to our biblical mandate to love without limits and care without criteria. Thank you for being a part of this amazing ministry.

Education and Outreach

One of the questions that arises for me when it comes to Christians is: Are we ignorant or are we apathetic? This probably seems very harsh. (I can be at times. Sorry). It appears to me that after being in church for so many years we have learned the culture of church more than we have learned what it means to be a real Christian. We learn the songs and the stories but we haven’t heard them from their cultural context. We haven’t even developed the ability to ask questions that might take us deeper into our walk of faith. As a consequence of that, we have an impotent and lazy Christian life. We pray like we’re desperate victims and for all the blessings we ask for, we are skimpy on our mercy and grace for others. We are like our pampered children that are overindulged and frighteningly irresponsible. The church has also succumbed to the cultural war against it by embracing the earmarks of “worldly” ambitions - the “bigger the better” and “more means success.” What tells me this? It’s because when we talk about the deeper things of Scripture and find the jewels of faith, people are hungry for more. There is a fresh breath of the Holy Spirit that begins to blow through and touch hearts to the point they recognize they have been sleeping and are waking up. Sadly, God’s word has been “dumbed down” to the point it has become irrelevant and thus, impotent. We can’t depend on it because 1) we don’t know it and 2) we really don’t believe it!

Master Minded Ministries seeks to bring the amazing, refreshing, challenging Word of God to the platform and demonstrate the heart of God. His messages are clear and undeniable. He remains the “One and Only” God who does not share His Glory with anyone or anything else! When He takes center stage, His power becomes evident and our faith takes a step up. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of losing! This battle is the Lord’s, and I’m ready to see Him win!

Romans 1:18 says that “God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness…” If you look at the part that says people who are “suppressing the truth,” it’s a very convicting statement. Wickedness can be used to identify laziness, apathy in doing the right thing, not paying attention, not doing the right thing. Wickedness isn’t only the outrageously bad things! Paul goes on to say that God’s invisible qualities – God’s eternal power and divine nature have been revealed to us so we are without excuse – But – (the wicked) - although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him – so He allowed their foolish hearts to be darkened. This surely must be a shocking realization for the church! The church says to the world – “We know Him!” But because of darkened hearts, the church has no power nor the divine nature! We want to say that if we know Him, we have to glorify Him and praise Him – loudly and enthusiastically!

This is how we at Master Minded Ministries do that – We join with other like-minded believers to stand up for the Lord and take every opportunity He gives us.

  1. We teach and preach as often as we can. We host evenings of Shabbat and Passover Seder dinners and Nights to Honor Israel.

  2. We join with organizations like Christians United for Israel and connect others as often as we can.

  3. We have scholarships available to help others go to Israel, and we seek to raise up the next generation to love and support Israel!

And more!

Each year, Master Minded Ministries hosts a fundraising dinner and auction. We are looking forward to and preparing for it on September 15, 2022. The invitations will go out and the evening will include updates from our year, our projected trips for 2023, our financial progress and our vision for the future of MMM. Typically, we provide dinner with amazing desserts offered through our “Dessert Dash.” where each table competes to raise its amount hoping to go through the dessert line first - always a fun time. Then we offer an auction with two of our great friends, Beau Bonds and David Orias. We’ve had some amazing items come through. Last year, a trip to Egypt for 2 was up for bid! You may not want to miss this! This fundraiser helps us plan for another year and gives us the opportunity to share what God has been doing.

Lastly, I want to let you know that our next trip will be an amazing one to Greece and Turkey. We will take in the biblical sites from Revelation, the ancient churches and their locations in this Mediterranean region. We will see the footsteps as Paul traveled with the Gospel in hand. We will hear his words in these places and get a flavor of the culture and history. We have a few seats left, and you can go to to find out more information and sign up.

Again, we want to thank you for your partnership in the ministry. We know that every dollar is a gift from God’s hand. Even today, as I’m writing this I have been a bit stressed, and then a contribution comes in and restores my hope and energy. There are people who listen to the Lord and love to help in the work He is doing. Thank you for blessing us and helping this work continue on.

“May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it!” 1 Thess 5:23,24

About Masterminded Ministries

Master Minded Ministries is a non-profit 501 © 3 organization that teaches, preaches and supports the Jewish roots of Christianity. We proudly share Jesus as Messiah and join with the many voices around the world to love and support Israel and the Jewish people. We offer biblical tours throughout the year and also provide events and conferences to bless Israel and those grafted in.

“…Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, “Israel is My Son, My firstborn…’” Exodus 4:22


Master Minded Ministries Newsletter - August 2022


Master Minded Ministries Newsletter - April 2022