Master Minded Ministries Newsletter - August 2022


2024 - Are You Serious?

It’s never too early to start planning for what’s coming up next, is it? My heart for the next generation has really felt a burden to somehow connect them to Jesus. I remember so well how the Lord impacted me and a generation of young people with revival that I’ve been praying for the Holy Spirit to somehow pour Himself out on the students who are under attack by every conceivable evil out there.

For me, it was drugs and the “free-spirit” that was an enticing temptation. My faith was rock solid on Jesus, so I didn’t fall for it, but today the overwhelming pressure from every angle is to erode faith and prepare our students to become victims of the sexual “revolution” of anything and everything is okay. I can’t even imagine how confusing it must be for our kids to question their identity and sexuality and this starting in kindergarten!

I’m not willing to exit the battle without leaving a footprint! Want to join in? Here’s our next step plan –

Masterminded is going to host a 2024 Student Tour to Israel!

We are throwing this out early because we’re going to need all hands on deck to fight and provide help for our kids. We will officially launch our fund raising efforts by October 1, 2022 and we will be giving our students who are interest in going an opportunity to serve as part of their criteria to join the group. I have found a group of students who have really committed their lives to Jesus and have a heart to know what it means to be a disciple. We will be going through some discipleship lessons and I have some field trips that I plan on taking them on to prepare for the big trip.

We have, in the past provided scholarships for several students. We are still working on the logistics of criteria for students to participate and what they would be responsible for. This would be a whole tour focused on discipleship for students and others interested in coming along with them. Others may want to join but we hope to fill at least half the group with students. My personal goal is 15 kids!  This trip would include an archeological dig, several guest speakers, visiting not only the sites but spending time to saturate ourselves in the real message of Jesus and His calling on our lives.

In 1972 (I still have it in my Bible) the Lord “called me” with a scripture in Ephesians 4. I heard Him ask me to help equip the saints for the work of the ministry. I take this very seriously! I want to leave a legacy of Living Water (Jesus)  spilling into the lives of others.

Here’s where you come in. If you have some ideas to share with me about how we could accomplish this, please let me know. I’m very excited to see how God is going to pull this off! I know that we are getting ready for a great outpouring of His Spirit and I am anticipating great days ahead. You see, when the world gets darker, Christians shine brighter! Our hope is in the One who loves us and wants to bring everything under the Lordship of Jesus (Colossians). Let’s start this party!

Master Minded Updates

I’m sitting at my desk thinking that if I could have you over for coffee I’d love to tell you about the wonderful things that God is doing. There are so many that I’m tired thinking about it all. I should journal, but time doesn’t allow!

June was our month in Israel with 2 groups of our friends who traveled with us. We began with a small group that endured the lengthy airplane ride and the heat of the summer. We walked probably an average of 4-5 miles a day to see all the great sites. We talked, although not enough, we ate, plenty, and we saw – so much! Israel has also been under lockdown for the last couple of years, but it seems that the progress they’ve made in uncovering some of the sites since we were there the last time says that Covid didn’t stop them from working. It was probably very nice for them not to have to work around all the tourists.

Our second group was just as courageous, enduring the travel and the heat. They stepped off the plane ready to go and explore. We never imagine that we will be “trouble free” so even with the small glitches along the way, everyone really did a great job of loving each other and supporting each other. Again, not enough conversation but a great beginning. Plenty of wonderful food, and we all loved and appreciated the airconditioned buses and motels! Shopping was delightful and I think everyone came home with treasures. Even though some of the luggage took an extra vacation, I think I can safely say that everyone has finally been united with all their belongings.

The impact of our trips is in the off - script moments when God leads us to someone that has a message for us or a moment when it hits us that this is where it happened. The discipleship moments were being spontaneously aware that Jesus was all around us. His life still speaks loudly and challenges us to take time to see what is happening in the lives around us. He calls us from every corner.

All in all, we had 59 travelers and I believe that each one has a great story to tell.

July was full with Christians United for Israel and several other events from ministries we’ve been involved with. Dave flew to Washington D.C. and met with great leaders in our world and then saw our congressional representatives on Capital Hill. There is more to tell and I’m sure it will come out soon.

Right now Dave has just returned from Kigali, Rwanda where he spoke to a large group of pastors. Our dear brother, Pastor Patrick Twagirayesu, has served in his country for about 30+ years.  We were privileged to visit Rwanda with this native pastor in 2019 just before Covid hit the world. Pastor Patrick serves the Lord throughout Rwanda by establishing schools for children and raising up churches. He is the head of Africa Bright Future where his heart is to help children learn so that the holocaust that happened in 1995 will never happen again. He travels to the United States frequently and has even joined us on a trip to Israel.

For those of you who are familiar with the plane ride to Israel, this trip is about 5 hours longer.

Full schedules, more prayer, more opportunities. Our “yes” to God is a never-ending surprise. His grace is always sufficient even if sleep isn’t. His love endures even when our patience grows thin.

Looking ahead we are planning our fall fundraising event in October and we have a special speaker, Rabbi Lightstone, that we will be hosting November 9th. Rabbi Lightstone was a key player in helping establish the Abraham accords. You won’t want to miss this evening event! I can’t wait to tell you about this amazing man! You’ll have to watch for all the details because they’re still in the works. . . the never-ending story!

When it comes to ministry, it always entails a team. There are no super stars and there’s no one that is not important. As we’ve seen through our years, God raises up those whom He has called, to be part of something greater. It’s always about the greater! The fulfilling, redemptive work of God needs all “hands on deck”! That’s what I need to tell you – you are so important to this ministry of calling people to a deeper knowing, a deeper relationship with the Father to the point that it will spill over onto a world that needs to experience the love that He planned for us from the beginning! You received that love and you know what a life-changing this it is! That’s what we’re all about – spilling over!

If you go anywhere these days you know that every business is struggling to find enough help. We couldn’t go eat at Denney’s, not because there wasn’t room, they didn’t have enough servers! Every place I’ve seen lately is in the same dilemma. The Kingdom of God works a little differently. God is the One who calls people to His purpose and His pleasure. (Ephesians 1). We rarely ask for money, because God is the supplier of our needs, but He calls out to say; “what do you have in your hands? That is all I ask of you!”

As we look to what God is doing in us, through us, because of us, you come to mind, again. You have become part of this foundational work of ministry. It may not be this month or this year, but I know God well enough to know that what He does is for eternity, not just for today. His intentions are to love you into purposeful living. That everything you surrender becomes an open door for His Spirit to work in you to free you. “…let us throw off everything that hinders  us…so we can run the race marked out for us! Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-3)

I pray that you will know that we can’t do this without you! I also know that you have been blessed because of your giving to something dear to God’s heart. He sees you and He considers your needs and problems. You belong to Him so of course you will have troubling times, He wants you to know Him better and He will keep your attention through those things. Your sacrifice is acknowledged on eternity’s ledgers and we thank you for everything you’ve done.

2022 Christians United for Israel (CUFI) DC Summit

Dear Master Minded Family,

I wanted to give you an update of my recent travels. I had the privilege once again to attend the annual CUFI Summit in Washington DC July 17-19.  As you probably know, due to Covid19, pretty much everything was messed up, including the ability to gather for the Summit in DC.  This was the first time back to the Capitol in two years, and it was great to be back.

The Summit was not held at the usual Convention Center, but rather at a smaller conference center.  Between the high cost of travel and the concern that many still carry regarding Covid, we were able to get by with a smaller venue.  However, size definitely did not dictate the quality and power of the gathering.

I’ve attached an easy access for you to take a look at the 2 Day Itinerary, as well as a look at the important talking points that we presented on Capitol Hill.

As an overview, the speakers, like always were outstanding.  Greetings were brought be the new Lt. Gov. of Virginia, Winsome Earle-Sears.  She was fantastic!  She was invited because the new location we gathered at was in Arlington, Va.  What an inspiration!  She loves Israel and the Jewish people, and, she loves the work of CUFI

Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone spoke.  This was my third time to hear him.  Every time he’s amazing. He was, and still is, a key player in helping compose the ingredients of the Abraham Accords.  He served as US Ambassador David Freidman’s right had assistant during the Trump years.  He and Jared Kushner double teamed the details of the agreement.  For any in the Treasure Valley, Rabbi Lightstone is going to be speaking at Deer Flat Church on November 14.  Save the date.  Come hear this guy, and bring all the friends you’ve got.

The outstanding speaks came one right after the next throughout the day. Jonathan Schanzer and Jonathan Schachter, who are both key players when it comes to the world of intelligence and Security issues in the Middle East.  They are very well spoken, and shared very concerning things regarding Iran, Russia, Syria and Hezbollah.  You should take the time to check them out.  Brilliant men.

We also heard from Senators Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton. As you know, they are both very big supporters of Israel.

The Night to Honor Israel on Monday evening, included great music, as always, and great speakers.  The Key Note was Nikki Hailey.  What a gracious and admirable lady. But, very authoritative.  It was during her insightful speech that she subtly announced her run for President.  The place went nuts.  An amazing and unforgettable night.

Tuesday brought about a full morning prepping everyone with the Talking Points that we would be covering with all of the Congressional Leaders.  CUFI does an amazing job getting appointment with the leaders on Capitol Hill.  CUFI members met with 98% of all Senators, and almost 95% of Congressional leaders in the House.

As mentioned, I’ve attached the talking points for you to read through and acquaint yourself with their significance. At this point, all the feedback from the visits on the Hill were very productive.  As you know, there are a variety of people who serve the US who aren’t fond of Israel, and some who absolutely hate Israel.  We were in their offices anyway.  Keep these people in your prayers. They need it.

As for the Idaho Congressional Delegation – Lovers of Israel!  All of them.  What a blessing. We are so fortunate have these people serving us.  I would encourage you to stay connected with CUFI.  Sign up for their, “Daily Briefing.”  Simply go to and you will see the amazing resources they provide.  The Israel Course Book is worth having in your library.  CUFI now has 11.5 million members, and even more, 65,000 of those are in Idaho!  Let’s keep standing with Israel and making some noise on their behalf.

Pastor David McGarrah
Idaho State Coordinator for CUFI

About Masterminded Ministries

Master Minded Ministries is a non-profit 501 © 3 organization that teaches, preaches and supports the Jewish roots of Christianity. We proudly share Jesus as Messiah and join with the many voices around the world to love and support Israel and the Jewish people. We offer biblical tours throughout the year and also provide events and conferences to bless Israel and those grafted in.

“…Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, “Israel is My Son, My firstborn…’” Exodus 4:22


Master Minded Ministries Newsletter - October 2022


Master Minded Ministries Newsletter - June 2022