Master Minded Ministries Newsletter - March 2024
Pastor's Solidarity Trip to Israel 2024
Day 1, Airports
Today as the group gathers in the John F Kennedy airport, the sense of mission and destiny is profound. To answer "the call" is to step into something more than just our own wants and wishes, it's rising to something much higher than that.
Message from Dave:
Good morning. I just finished a great time with the guys who are on the trip that are staying at this particular hotel. I can already sense that God is at work.
Here's the scripture for the day that you can passalong to others:
Father Kelly at Migdal
"I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. Pray that I may be kept Judea and that the offering I take to Jerusalem may be favorably received by the Lord's people there, so that I may come to you with joy, by God's will, and in your company be refreshed. The God of peace be with you all. Amen" Romans 15:30-33 Plan of Action: Isaiah 40:9
Day 2, Travel Bus
Arriving at the Ben Gurion airport, although the plane was full, the tourist lines were empty. The hallways of the airport were lined with the faces of those still being held hostage in Gaza.
Isaiah 62:10-12
"Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations. The Lord has made proclamation to the ends of the earth. Say to the Daughter of Zion, 'See, His reward is with Him, and His recompense accompanies Him.' They will be called The Holy People, The Redeemed of the Lord; and you will be called Sought After; The City No Longer Deserted!"
The sorrow and grieving, tangible and palatable. People were serious and focused on their destination. Gatherings and greetings were marked by the effects of 10/7 and walls came down as people realized what we were doing. "We stand by you and with you!" these words that are easy to say are being lived out as we walk through the gates and into the mainstream of life in Israel. Our prayers were answered as we delivered the Kevlar vests to those who were waiting for them, one mission accomplished!
Today marked a turning point for some in our path. I had conversations with several people who found it remarkable that we would come during such a volatile time and do what we are doing. IDF soldiers, mothers with children, businesspeople, workers in shops and restaurants, wondered why we are here, now. We had many opportunities to talk with people and the awe and amazement was common.
We took in the beauty of the Mediterranean Sea and Caesarea. Walking on the sand and seeing the ancient city that has endured for 2000 years reminds us that our history is still here. We are seeing the port where the Apostle Paul launched a ministry that would invade the world. It's still there - it still speaks! "Go into the world and preach the gospel..." those were the words that impacted the world then and now us today! "Change lives by the living Word of God which is 'Christ in you -the hope of Glory!'" Enduring words, the echoes of our faith are more poignant today as we embark on a mission that is grander than us, higher and more strategic than us.
Today we become the very life of Jesus going to His people with His love and comfort!
On to Galilee, we are looking at the landscape of the Megiddo Valley and our minds are immediately taking in the final battlefield of the Bible. It's beautiful now, but it has seen so many dark days and, in our minds' eye, will see more blood.
Galilee is full and overflowing! The blessing of God. Rain and full rivers and streams always speak of God's overflowing blessings. I don't think we've ever seen Galilee this full, but it is today! God allowed a draught to hit the area several years ago and while that took place a boat was uncovered that dates back to the days of Jesus and the fishing men. They have restored it, built a museum around it and it is called "the Jesus boat." We have been there many times, but it is quiet now, no tourists. The shop is empty and the workers reveal the stress of the days of war upon them.
We have an appointment to get on one of the boats that takes us on the lake and today it is calm, for now. We had an amazing time of worship and prayer. We sang and wept as we sat with Jesus and felt His words melt into our hearts and minds once again. We are the disciples! Like never before, we are sitting with Him, listening to Him,
hearing Him like never before. We are the brothers He called to. We have left everything to come and follow Him. No regrets, no question, we will follow!
Day 2 Done. Mission accomplished for today!
Tank at the border
Day 3, What are you doing here?
"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent..." ~ Isaiah 62:1
We have encountered several groups of Israelis who stop us and wonder what we are doing here? When we share with them that we came out of our love for Israel and the Jewish people, they just are amazed and overwhelmed. They break out an applause. They thank us profusely. It appears that in the midst of challenging difficulty, we are like a breath of fresh air. Compared to what Israel is usually like, the place is desolate.
Destination - North to the Syrian border
The morning started early with a speaker at 7:30 and then packed and loaded, we're on our way to the Syrian border. I wonder what this day will hold as we are high alert, emotionally, spiritually and our bodies are tired by the weight of the mission. Last night was an incredible time of meeting with some very young IDF soldiers who were so grateful for our love and encouragement. They were interested in what brought us here now. The envelops of blessing were especially overwhelming to them. I hope they always remember that there are people of faith who will risk everything to stand with them.
I also met two young mothers who are displaced. They evidenced the impact of fear and uncertainty in their faces. Living in a hotel for 4 months isn't the dream vacation that you may think. One mother was a teacher and a single parent, the other mother's husband works a route delivering goods. While he's gone, she worries and hen he's home (hotel) they are concerned. Again, envelops of blessing were a cup of cold water to a dry throat. Lots of tears and hugs.
On guard duty at the border
Today has taken us to places where we met soldiers, heard their amazing insights and imagined what they live with. Always on high alert knowing it's not a matter of it, but when.
You see our travels today and as we head back to Jerusalem, we have been taught an extraordinary lesson. Israel faces a very real enemy. We have a spiritual enemy that stands at our own borders and waits to launch an attack that we may not be prepared for.
Today was spent in northern Israel. Spent time at a strategic think tank that regularly deals with critical events and situations. The military minds here are pretty amazing. As I stood by the Syrian border, I was reminded of what Matthew wrote about Jesus. "So His fame spread throughout all Syria, and they brought Him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, those oppressed by demons, those having seizures and paralytics, and He healed them." ~ Matthew 4:24
Day 5, Jerusalem Destination
Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum. Shabbat at the Western Wall, Prayers, Shabbat Dinner.
Thank you for being people who pray for the Jewish people. Thank you for loving the children of God. I am so proud to represent you here among the people of Israel. - Pastor Dave
This morning started early with a session (7:30 am) and then on to Yad Vashem where we had a personal guide to take us through the museum. Although I've been there before, today was significant because we heard the "back stories" that can only be told by those who know them. It seems like our days are running together.
This evening, we went to the Western Wall to bring in Shabbat.
This is a sacred time that people show up to sing in the holiness of Shabbat. The place was packed, and the singing always starts in the streets above and circles down to the plaza where the singing is accompanied by dancing. We were privileged to go the home of a doctor and his wife and family for Shabbat and really had a meaningful evening being impacted by the family being the centerpiece of the faith. I'll write more later, but it's 10:30 pm now and tomorrow is another full day.
Day 6, The Sabbath in Israel
It's the Sabbath today in Israel, and I visited the place of healing. The Bible calls it, the pool of Bethesda. Bethesda means "house of mercy" or "house of grace." It comes from: Beth - Meaning house Chesed - Kindness, mercy or grace.
You may be familiar with the word because it's connected with some of the hospitals across America.
Among the most famous of Jesus' miracles is recounted in the Gospel of John, where Jesus heals the paralytic at the Bethesda Pool (John 5:2-9). It is not the only one of Jesus' miracles of healing to take place at a pool in Jerusalem, however. In addition to the Bethesda Pool, the Gospel of John also says that Jesus healed the blind man at the Siloam Pool.
Herod built the pool of Bethesda. Five sided and up to 40' deep. Like he always did, he made it beautiful and very enjoyable. It drew lots of people. The blind man had been a regular for 38 years.
Jesus miracle story also tells how many people sought the Bethesda Pool's healing powers. The first person to enter the pool when the waters were stirred up would supposedly be cured of his or her ailment. But, the paralytic tells Jesus he can never get into the water quickly enough. So Jesus immediately cures him, and he is able to get up and walk.
Jesus asks the lame man if he wants to be healed for a reason. Maybe the lame man was not committed to, did not believe in, his own healing. Matthew's Gospel says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" ~ Matthew 7:7
I think Jesus' word to us might be, "Seize the moment!" Ask God for your heart's desire. May this Lord's Day be exceptional and full ofHis mercy and grace! Bethesda!
Day 7, The Lord’s Day
We began The Lord's Day with a time of worship at the pool of Siloam in the City of David.
As I was taking it all in, I also rejoiced over knowing that the presence of God was also with my family and our church family. It was truly a touch of heaven.
We then made our way to the southern steps of the temple of Jesus day. This place is where the church was birthed. It was here I was reminded of Jesus promise that he would never leave us alone, but would send us a Helper. We know him as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit fell upon the people who were gathered at the entry steps of the Temple. What an important and incredible reminder.
I found some time to pray at the Western Wall. I found joy in praying over many of the needs that mark our lives and those in our congregation and our families. It was a humbling experience to walk once again in the footsteps of our Messiah.
The History of MMM
Master Minded Ministries began 16 years ago as a vehicle to help Christians understand the Jewish roots of our faith. It's been an amazing journey to help people go to Israel, explore the Bible in new ways and open up a world of dialogue and relationships with our Jewish brothers and sisters.
As of today MMM has been able to now become of vehicle of blessing to Israel by contributing over $50,000 to various groups who need our help in Israel. We have given to the Joshua Fund, the Bayit Brigade, providing lone soldiers a home and family while they serve. We have donated to those who needed boots for the winter. We have given so the soldiers who desired a prayer shawl could have one. Pastor Dave was
ableto hand envelopes to displaced Jews who are struggling while waiting. He was able to give to a devastated dairy farm. It's been a privilege and an honor to be available for such a time as this.People like you, who want to do something to stand up for God's people have allowed us to do what we do. Every donation is so appreciated and we a r ecommitted to continue the good work that God began. Thank you for all you do to encourage us and this ministry.
About Masterminded Ministries
Discovering the Jewish Roots of Christianity
Master Minided Ministries is a non-profit ministry that teaches, disciples and preaches the Jewish roots of Christianity. We support a radio program called “The Teacher and the Preacher” that can be heard each week on 20 different stations across the US. Each weekly program features Pastor Dave and Aaron Lipkin, an Orthodox Jew who lives in Israel, talking about the ways we can learn from each other and benefit our Judeo-Christian country. It is common to hear from guests who contribute new and fresh insights from what’s really happening on the ground in Israel, to what’s the best thing we can do to love and support each other and bridge the gap for Christians and Jews.