Master Minded Ministries Newsletter - June 2021

Israel Under Attack

by Jerry McGarrah

Over 11 days, 4,340 rockets launched from Gaza and over 261 dead. Hamas declared war on Israel and the Palestinian people paid the price, caught in the middle.

May was a horrific month in Israel. With the lock-downs from Covid-19 and all the pressure of vaccinations for everyone and then another looming election coming, war began. Iran had their fingerprints all over this and the infiltration by Hamas was experienced by everyone.

80% of the rockets from Gaza landed back in Gaza and killed women and children. Israel was strategic and targeted their attacks on the locations of terrorists where Hamas targeted Israeli citizens. All of this is brutal – war always is. Here is where MMM comes in. We are setting up a specified fund to help Restore Israel. All monies identified for this cause will go directly to help Israel rebuild and heal from this attack.

There are so many traumatized by the continuous air raids that children are needing therapy to help them with the PTSD they’re experiencing. We want to help! Do you? Specify “Restore Israel” on your contribution and it will go directly to helping Israel.

Is The Old Testament Still Inspired Scripture and Significant for Today? Pt. 1

by Dave McGarrah

There is a very concerning trend happening within the framework of Christianity where a growing number of people are rejecting the Old Testament. They say that more than half of the Bible is obsolete and irrelevant. They question whether God provided humanity with two sets of inspired writings, the Old Testament and the New. One of the more recent books that underscore the Old Testament being obsolete, is Any Stanley’s book, “Irresistible.” Here’s a guy who has historically been an extremely solid biblical teacher and preacher. Not with this new book. Something has definitely changed. One of the common misconceptions among readers of the Bible is that a large part of it is obsolete-irrelevant for modern life.

Sadly, some professing Christians have unwittingly turned a blind eye to much of God's revelation by rejecting what is known as the Old Testament. They believe that the New Testament-the writings of the apostles-is what really matters; that the Old Testament was valid up until Christ came, but at that time became old and outdated. People ask, “Did God, in essence, provide humankind with two Bibles? Did He inspire one set of writings-the Hebrew Scriptures-for the Israelites living from Moses' time to Christ's birth, and then provide another set in the first century, with that set intended for everyone else? Does the Bible itself have anything to say about this idea? Would one part of the Bible reject the other?”

In part 1 of this teaching, let's see exactly what the Bible itself has to say about the Old Testament. Let’s see whether God gave us two different sets of writingsor one continuous inspired set of teachings and instruction. Let's startmwith the terms Old Testament and New Testament. The general view is that the Old Testament was oldand, is translated then, as obsolete or worn out-and that it has been replaced by the New Testament. Is this view found in the Bible? No, it isn't. The terms Old Testament and New Testament are found in a few places in some Bible translations, but the word translated "testament" is actually the word for "covenant."

Those scriptures simply talk about the old and new covenants-not about books of the Bible. If you had been around to ask the apostles John, Peter or Paul about the "Old Testament" or the "New Testament," they would have had no idea what you meant. The terms Old Testament and New Testament were coined by men long after the books of the Bible were written. The first use of the term New Testament is found a century or more after the deaths of the apostles. Some interesting facts Let's consider a few statistics to show how the writers of what is known as the New Testament viewed the Hebrew Bible, which we call the Old Testament.

These are very insightful. The authors of the New Testament quote the Old Testament many times. In fact, if we pulled out all Old Testament references and names of people from the Old Testament out of the New, it was be reduced down to a small number of chapters and become a quick read. Scholars tells us that there is some 695 separate quotations from the books of the Old Testament in the New.

And, there are many other passages where the Old Testament is referred to, as in cases where an Old Testament figure is mentioned, but no specific scripture is quoted. Compare those figures to the number of times other writers are quoted in the New Testament: four. The apostles quoted the Old Testament 695 times, but other writers only four times. Yet some people insist that the teaching of the New Testament is that the Old is obsolete, only valid for a specific people during a limited time in history. Consider a more statistics.

Of the 27 books and letters forming the New Testament, 21 quote the Old. The only ones that don't directly quote the Old Testament are the six shortest-Titus, Philemon, 1, 2 and 3 John, and Jude. However, Titus, 1 John, 3 John and Jude allude to Old Testament personalities or passages. Some assume that the five books of Moses are obsolete, because they focus so heavily on laws supposedly annulled by Jesus. However, these same five books are quoted at least 245 times and referred to many more.

The apostle Paul, who some believe taught that the law contained in these five books is done away, quoted from those books between 70 and 110 times-more than any other New Testament figure. Jesus, Himself, quoted from these same books about 60 times. Paul's view of the Old Testament Scriptures Paul made his view of the Old Testament clear in 2 Timothy, a letter filled with instruction for a younger minister. He wrote that "from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures" 2 Timothy 3:15. What are the "Holy Scriptures" Paul refers to?

At the time this was written, about A.D. 66, there was no "New Testament"-some of what has since then been called the New Testament hadn't even been written at that point. Paul is referring very clearly to the Old Testament; those were the Holy Scriptures Timothy had been taught since childhood by his Jewish mother - Acts 16:1-3. Though it may be surprising to some, Paul clearly states that these same Scriptures "are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus", 2 Timothy 3:15. Salvation was available under the Old Testament Scriptures. And how was it available? "Through faith which is in Christ Jesus."

Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Elijah, Daniel, David and others who are promised eternal life elsewhere in the Scriptures received salvation the same way we do-through faith in Jesus Christ, through faith and belief in a promised Messiah who would redeem them from their sins. Jesus Christ did not die only for those who have lived since His death. He died for all those who have ever lived, both before and after His physical life on earth. What else does Paul say about these Holy Scriptures known as the Old Testament? "

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God ..." Paul described Scripture as, “God breathed,” meaning it came directly from God. In other words, Paul is telling us that the Hebrew Scriptures came directly from the very breath and Spirit of God! Then, he goes on to tell Timothy that Scripture "is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" v. 16-17. Consider another point about this passage. This letter was written about A.D. 66-only about a year before Paul was executed.

This is Paul's last surviving letter before he died. And in it he tells another minister that the Old Testament Scriptures, rather than being obsolete, are inspired by God and "profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness," that Christians may be "complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." Think about this, because this attack on God’s Word is happening at a greater level in our day and many are buying into it. The Old Testament is foundational to Christianity and indispensable. As Christians we should hold the sacred writings in high regard just like our brothers in the New Testament church did.

We should study the Old Testament diligently to find salvation in Christ, explanation of God’s mysterious ways, and truth about how to live as God’s people. If you really want to understand the New Testament, it’s imperative that you study the Old Testament. After all, my mentor, Chuck Misler always said, “The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. I think that’s a great way of seeing the Bible! Watch for Part 2 next time!

How Then Shall We Live?

by Jerri McGarrah

Israel is under attack, Covid-19 is still the centerpiece of the news, immigration crisis, the rising protests in our state capitals with BLM (Black lives matter), Antifa and our cities are in chaos, add to this the onslaught of cancel culture, education fights with the new 1619 curriculum that is attempting to rewrite the history of the United States, masks, no masks, everywhere you look we are being distracted, manipulated and coerced by the negativity of news. The attitudes of people everywhere is becoming more and more ugly. People are leaving their kindness at home when they are out in public. We are becoming more judgmental of people even as we see them with or without masks.

What is really happening? I doubt that you could give me the main item that is catapulting our society to the brink of war, but it feels that way, doesn’t it? Now, I’ve just added to your distress by even mentioning all these things, haven’t I? I can imagine that I’ve just raised your blood pressure! (Don’t check it right now!) Life can really seem to be out of control and disparaging but I want to speak to you from the perspective of eternity. God is not letting things get out of control, He’s letting things play out. Since the beginning when man (Adam and Eve) decided they could choose better than God, we’ve had the opportunity to “see how that works out for you.” I know you and I didn’t choose all of these events and challenges, but the fact that we live in a fallen world, we are in fact inheriting the consequences for those who are fallen and acting out of their fallen mindsets. However, our mindset has to be different if we have chosen Jesus as our Messiah and Savior.

It’s like when we lose someone we love to death. We don’t mourn like the world (1 Thessalonians 4:13) so we don’t look at things the same way the world does. We find our hope in Him (Romans 8:28) and we respond to His call and His purpose! And if you think that way, wow, you have to ask yourself: don’t we have the most amazing opportunities right now? It’s so amazingly clear! Imagine that you have been called to such a time as this to overcome evil with good? Imagine that you are seeing the fulfilling of God’s plan to separate the wheat from the chaff? Imagine that it is the time that God is revealing the “Sons of Glory” to the world? (Romans 8:19) And imagine that we overcome because as “slaves to righteousness” we cannot do less than stand strong in the face of all the evil that is being exposed! Did I say it would be easy? Not hardly. Nothing this worthwhile could possibly be easy – but totally worth it! But is it all going to be a struggle and painful and looking persecution in the eye and possibly be destroyed in the process? Possibly, but just like a coach for a woman in the throes of childbirth, focus on the outcome! Let me explain.

  1. The Word is your strategy for overcoming – if you don’t know it, it cannot help you. You will start focusing on the problems around you and you will lose your grip on the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven.

    • Focusing on the wrong information will rob you of your very life! If you don’t find each day a word of direction and perspective, you will succumb to the news you feed on.

    • God’s word gives you direction. Hebrews 12:1-4. Jesus focused on the “joy set before Him.”

  2. Joy becomes not just a nice feeling but a powerful tool in the arsenal of weapons.

    • Nehemiah 8:10 – As Nehemiah instructs the people after they realize that they have strayed from God’s Word, they were weeping and Nehemiah tells them that it is a great day when God reveals Himself to them and they should find that the Joy of the Lord is their (your) strength.

    • Joy becomes the centerpiece of your relationship with God. Jude 1:24 says that enduring will be fulfilled with joy.

    • Philippians 1:6; 2:13; 3:20-21; 4:13

    • Remember, it’s one of the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22) and the enemy has no weapon to come against it!

  3. Praising God for Who He is is absolutely imperative for those who know Him!

    • Romans 1:18-21 says something more than I ever imagined. Paul talks about God’s wrath being revealed from Heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness… It’s easy to imagine that he was talking about “those” people. But really, if “those” people never knew God or His truth, how can they be blamed or judged? God’s wrath will probably come on those who know who He is but suppress the truth! By lifestyle or lack of trust I imagine that the church will be judged first. Verse 21 speaks to me – “For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.”

    • To fall into the pit of taking the world view that comes from society or media or politics, we are very tempted to refrain from giving God the glory and honor due His Name. He will truly let you have your own thinking and watch the despair come over you! Now that you know, you have a choice. Today, like no other the opportunity to change the way we think and how we have to purposely, responsively, obediently and determinedly choose. Did I say that it would be easy? Not hardly, but totally worth it! I’m not saying that we should ignore the events going on around us. The war, the terrible consequences are all there for us to pray about, seeking God’s heart and if there are opportunities to get involved – that’s what we’re here for! Remember – all creation is waiting for us to show up! (Romans 8:19) That’s why it is so important for all of us who know Him to know the Word of God, hide it in our hearts, remember it, live it, speak it and watch the fruit come to life. More than ever, this world needs Jesus and they are seeking answers because there are no answers that will ever suffice for what we are facing, except Him. High five?

Hamas launches attacks toward Israel – The Iron Dome responds

We believe God has raised up MMM for such a time as this. You have been a partner with us and now we will be working together with our Israeli partners to help rebuild and restore Israel. We are designating a specific fund to allow you to donate directly to Israel. Thank you for your partnership!


Master Minded Ministries Newsletter - December 2021